Monday, December 31, 2012


So I don't know about you all, but I hate headaches.  I unfortunately get headaches frequently.  Not just headaches but Migraines.  When I get a really bad headache I can be laid up in bed for the whole day and I rely on my prescription medicine to hopefully get rid of the pain.  The only problem with the prescription medicine is sometimes it can make me feel as bad as my headache. 

So I have decided to try and use some "home remedies" to get rid of my headaches.  Today I tried:

1) Ginger:  supposedly ginger is supposed to help with getting rid of headaches and with nausea.  The headache I had today didn't make me nauseous, so I'll have to try this again when it does.  So I just heated some water added the ginger and let it sit for a little while and then drank.  Not too much help with the headache

2) Black Tea and Cloves:  The black tea contains caffeine which is supposed to help and the cloves are supposed to do something else.  Again not too much help

3) 30 minutes of exercise:  I decided to take a nice walk.  The walk was nice and relaxing, but didn't help with the headache.

So at the end of the day it's Headache: 3 Remedies: 0  

Any suggestions of Remedies that help your headaches

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friday Fabulous Five

One of my favorite days of the week is Friday!  Not only does it mean not having to work for TWO days, but its also a great time to look back at the week and think of the good (or great) things that have happened to make your week just that much better.

Here are my Fabulous Five for this week:

1) Friday I was lucky to get off work early (which was a surprise!)  The other SLP had been out of work all week and to my surprise she came in for half a day of work.  So instead of having to see both my Patients and hers I was able to just see mine, get out EARLY and start my weekend off on the right foot!

2) This past week my family was in town!  When Chris and I moved down to Stuart we moved a lot closer to my parents who we get to see almost every weekend, but moving also meant I moved further away from my sister Brittany who is living in Orlando for school.  My other sister Beth lives over in Tampa so we're still pretty far apart.  But this week they were both in town and I got to spend time with them!  I wish they lived closer so we could spend more time together, they're not only my sisters they're also some of my best friends.

3) CHRISTMAS!!!  This is my FAVORITE time of the year.  And this year Christmas was wonderful,  even though Chris and I have been married for a year we spent our first christmas last year like we did while we were dating (He would spend christmas eve and christmas morning up in Merritt Island with his family and then would come down to my family in the evening)  This year our Christmas was different.  We spent the weekend before with his family celebrating Christmas: playing games, eating good food, watching some football, and just spending time together.  Then on Christmas Eve Chris and I headed to my parents for our traditional Prime Rib and twice baked potato Christmas Eve dinner YUM!  Then we all headed to Christmas Eve service, Chris and I went home to our home for the evening.  

Christmas morning we loaded up our car with Christmas presents,  I felt a little like santa :)

We got dressed in our Christmas PJs and headed to my parents for a fun filled Christmas!

Hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas!!

4) I got a new IPhone 5!! I'm really excited about this since my other phone dropped off the counter about 2 weeks ago and the screen splintered =(  so it has been a little difficult to see what I have been doing on my phone.  Thank goodness I had a screen protector on my phone otherwise the glass would have gone everywhere and I don't think the screen would have continued working.  Now I'm set with my new IPhone and my husband got an IPhone 4 (my mom's old phone, she got my dad's old 4s.  There was a lot of phone swapping in my family this week).  I think I'm just as excited about Chris getting the IPhone 4 because before now Chris did not text... at all!  Now he can text so during the day while we're at work we'll be able to be in touch with each other!  Loving having a phone without cracks on the screen =)

5)  Coffee!  I love my morning coffee.  I'm still not convinced that the caffeine in coffee actually gives me a boost (I could drink a cup and go to bed)  Right now I'm loving Dunkin Donuts  Mocha Mint!

Hope you all had a wonderful week!  Let me know what your week highlights were!