Monday, November 25, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 25

Day 25:  Today I am thankful for the beautiful night sky.  I love looking at the stars!  They are extremely beautiful and always cause me to awe at the amazing world God has made.  Also this time of year Orion's Belt is visible and those are my favorite stars!! (I'm not sure why but they are.)  And in the last month I have not one but TWO shooting stars!  The night sky is wonderful.  So today I am grateful for beautiful stars, Orion's Belt and the wonder they cause!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Catch Up

Oh Dear I am so far behind on my 30 Days of Thanks, it is now time to play catch up!!

Day 21: Thursday was my Parents Anniversary.  I am thankful for the love they have for each other and the wonderful example of marriage and love they provide me and my sisters!

Day 22:  Even though I love my job, Friday I was thankful for short days at work!! Being able to make it in early to the nursing home and finish my day early gives me more time to spend with my family. =)

Day 23:  Saturday I am thankful for running my errands with my mom.  It is a simple thing that I feel I take for granted, but really is a special time we share together.  I am grateful for the memorable time we spend together doing common mundane things.

Day 24:  Today I am thankful for christmas shopping!  I LOVE Christmas shopping.  I am one of those people who starts shopping for christmas on December 26 (ok I've actually only done that once twice). But I love searching for presents I think the person will really enjoy and love.  One of my favorite parts of the Christmas season is shopping for my family and friends it brings me so much joy!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 20

Day 20:  Today I am thankful for a husband who will drive 2 hours to go pick up our dogs from his parents (and who drove 2 hours yesterday to drop off our dogs) because they weren't able to be at our house today!  He offered to drive the dogs to his parents for us, allowing me time to clean the house and organize.  It is small things like this that I am grateful for on a daily basis!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 19

Day 19: I am thankful for my KitchenAid Stand Mixer!!  My parents gave it to me for my birthday a few years ago and I absolutely LOVE it!  I enjoy cooking and baking and with my mixer I am able to whip up some very yummy food!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 18

Day 18:  Today I am thankful for quiet nights at home.  I am thankful for the times when I can just sit on the couch with my husband and relax together.  Even though there is nothing exciting about these nights I just enjoy being near Christopher and having him with me!

30 Days of Thanks: Day 17

Day 17:  (Time for catch up since I didn't make it yesterday.)  I am thankful for the work I am able to do with children.  Although I currently work with adults, I started out in school with working strictly with pediatrics in mind.  I spent 6 years working with kids before I moved to Stuart and took a position at a SNF.  I LOVE working with kids, especially what I call my itty bitties (0-3).  I love the look on their face when you are showing them how to make a sound and they are so focused on trying to figure out how you are doing it.  I love watching as they start to really talk and communicate, how excited their parents get when they hear them say momma or dada for the first time.  With some of my older kids I treasure the times I have worked with those struggling to read, working together until they are able to read not only a few words or sentences, but a whole book!  Through my work with children I have come to know some very special people (most of whom I think of often), a few of my families I am still in contact with and they have a very special place in my heart.  They have become my close friends and family.  So I am grateful for the work I get to do with children, it is truly something I love doing!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 16

Day 16:  I am thankful for the University of Florida, Go Gators!! This school gave me 6 amazing years (4 undergrad, 2 grad).  Some of my fondest memories come from my time in the band. I play the trombone and was a member of the marching band.  Those 4 years filled my life with so much happiness and life long friendships!  I was able to watch the Gators win a national championship in football, in person!!! I also participated in the basketball band and went on several trips with both the women's and men's basketball throughout the years.  

During those 6 years I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, grew up and became more independent, made wonderful friends and met my husband.  While life continues to grow and become more excited I look back on my time in gainesville fondly.  I am truly grateful for the time I spent at UF!

Friday, November 15, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 15

Day 15:  Today I am thankful that I live near my parents.  In July of 2012 Christopher and I packed up our little home in Orlando and moved to Stuart about 40 minutes from my Parents.  I have enjoyed every moment of living close to them.  Since moving here I feel as though I have seen them almost every weekend they have been in town (my parents seem to go on vacation a lot).  Now that I have a move to Charleston looming over me I truly cherish the moments I have been able to spend with them.  I have grown closer to my parents and will miss having them so near by.  I wish I could take them with me to Charleston!  I am grateful even though it was only a little over a year I have had this chance to live near my parents as an adult, growing my relationship with them!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 14

Day 14: Today I am thankful for Harry Potter!!  I love Harry Potter,  I have read each book at least once (and have listened to the audiobooks more times then I can count, being dyslexic reading is difficult at times and I really enjoy audiobooks).  We discovered the magical world of Hogwarts, Saved the Sorcerers stone, battled the Voldemort in the Chamber of Secrets, rescued Sirius from a tower, been a contestant in the Triwizord tournament, fought along side the Order of the Phoenix, mourned when Dumbledore fell from the tower, and defeated Voldemort.  I cherish the adventures Harry, Hermionie and Ron took me on and the lessons of friendship they taught me.  I am grateful I have these magnificent books, wonderful adventures and great friends in my life!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 13

Day 13:  Today I am thankful for Maine!!  I love Maine, looking at this picture makes me wish I was curled up on the couch looking out the window right now. (Except for the fact that right now in Maine it is 27 degrees brrrrrrrr!!!)  Maine is were I feel at home, life seems simpler and people are friendlier.  I am grateful I am able go to Maine in the summer, enjoy the natural beauty and spend time with my family!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 12

Day 12:  Today I am thankful for my husband!!  Today we celebrated our 2 year wedding Anniversary and what a wonderful 2 years it has been.  I can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us!!  My husband allows me to be myself, goofy and silly as I might be.  I am grateful for the love and support he provides me.  He is my best friend and I am thankful I have Christopher in my life.

Monday, November 11, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 11

Day 11:  Today I am thankful for all of the brave men and women who have fought for our country and freedom and those who continue to fight and put their lives on the line.  These brave individuals fight for our freedom, spend long periods of time away from their loved ones and sacrifice their own lives.  I am incredibly grateful for their service!!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 10

Day 10:  Today I am thankful for my church.  I have grown up going to Jupiter First Church, I was married in this church.  I really enjoy and love worshiping here.  The music is amazing, we are definitely spoiled by our singers.  And our Pastors are wonderful, I love the way they blend the word of God with real life experiences.  I now live about 45 minutes from my church and travel down to service as often as I can, but when I'm unable to a service in person I enjoy worshipping from home while watching the service on my computer. (I am extremely grateful this option as I am about to have to move to another state and still prefer my home church to any other I've visited).  Today I am grateful I have a wonderful place to go to worship the God I love!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 9

Day 9:  I am thankful for JoAnn Fabrics.  This store helps me fulfill all of my crafty ideas.  From supplying me with yarn to complete my lasted knitting project to baking supplies as I learn to ice and decorate cakes.  Without this store I would be lost when it comes to trying to complete projects.  So today I am grateful for a store that helps bring out my creative side, bringing lots of joy to my life. 

Friday, November 8, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 8

Day 8:  Today I am thankful for my job!  I love what I do and am grateful for the chance to work with so many interesting people.  For those who don't know I am a Speech Pathologist and am currently working in a SNF/ALF.  I love going to work everyday working with my patients.  There are times when they drive me crazy, like the time I was told I was the plague or when one of my patients threaten to hit me.  But there are times when they crack me up and a lot of times when they inspire me. Listening to the way my Patients speak of their spouses is amazing and truly inspiring.  It makes me pray that when I am their age I will still be filled with such Love and admiration for my husband.  So today I am thankful for my job and all the wonderful experiences it has provided me!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 7

Day 7:   Today I am thankful for my Parents.  I am so thankful for everything they have done for me throughout the years, the support and guidance they have provided.  I couldn't imagine my life without them.  I am so grateful for my Daddy and Mema!!! Love you both 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Blanket for my Husband

What do you get someone who graduated OCS?  I have had no idea.  While Christopher was in OCS I belonged to a Facebook group for his class and they had great suggestion, but I'm not sure they were great suggestions for Chris: 1) A Sword (Chris didn't sound that excited about it and a Sword costs about $400-500, pretty expensive for something he would never use), 2) a Watch (Chris doesn't wear the one he already owns so no good), 3) Cuff Links (I can't think of a single shirt Chris has that requires cuff links)  and 4) a Box to hold ribbons and insignia (this I just wasn't sure about).  So after all those suggestions I was still at a loss for what to get Christopher for his graduation.  After thinking and thinking I decided I would make him something special.  And with that decision I decided to Knit Christopher something.

I love to knit, I find it very relaxing and it is one of my favorite past times.  I have knit blankets in the past, nothing exciting just combinations of knitting and pearling and maybe a few colors.  If you are one of my friends it is possible you have received one of these blankets for Christmas at some point and I am currently working on one for my Brother-in-law for Christmas per his request (He told my sister he wanted one now that he was part of the family).  But for Christopher's graduation I decided to do something a little special.  I wanted to create a blanket with the word Navy, our last name Brave and an Anchor on it.  In order to do this I grabbed my grid paper and sketched out my designs.  After many hours of knitting and untangling bags of yarns here is my blanket.

I am in Love with how it turned out!!! 
I was really excited that the anchor looks like an anchor and you are able to read the words!!
This is what I gave Christopher for his OCS graduation, hopefully he will love it as much as I loved and enjoyed making it for him.

30 days of Thanks: Day 6

Day 6: Today I am thankful for my slow cooker.  I am thankful I am able to throw a few items into this wonderful invention in the morning head off to work and come home to a great smelling house and a yummy home cooked meal. I love and enjoy cooking, but sometimes life doesn't allow me to spend the amount of time I would like creating a home cooked meal for husband and me.  So today I am grateful for yummy meals cooked while I am working, cleaning, reading, knitting, or basically doing anything else I'd like!    

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 5

Day 5:  I am thankful for my furry babies! Brady, Barklee, Brando and Braxton are my four poodles!  They bring so much joy to my life.  When Chris was gone for 5 months they were my company and kept me busy making time pass a little faster.  When I am home by myself I am thankful that I have two big boys, with even louder and bigger barks, the stay home with me and make me feel a little safer.  So even though I get crazy looks and sometimes comments when I tell people I have Four dogs, can't seem to keep my floors dog print free for even an hour, and run out of room in my king size bed, today I am grateful for my wonderful dogs and the unconditional love they give me.  

Monday, November 4, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 4

Day 4:  Today I am thankful for Target.   I know this is a little silly, but I love Target!!  I think I go to Target way to often, but that is partly due to the fact I live extremely close (I don't even have to go through a light to make it to target!!)  So today I am thankful for this wonderful store where I have spent a lot of my time when Christopher was away at OCS.  

30 Days of Thanks: Day 3

Day 3:  Today I am thankful for my sisters!!  I love being able to go through life with these two awesome women.  I feel lucky that they are my sisters, but truly blessed that as we have grown we have develop amazing and wonderful friendships.  No matter what happens in life I know that we will be there for each other and for that I am grateful! Today is for my sisters, Love you Both!!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

30 days of Thanks: Day 2

Day 2: Coffee!  Today I am thankful for coffee.  I enjoy starting my day with a cup of coffee.  Hot, Cold, Regular, Decaf, Flavored, Latte whatever it might be I enjoy it.  It might not be the most important thing in my life, but I am thankful I have coffee for my mornings (and sometimes for my afternoons too!)

Friday, November 1, 2013

30 Days of Thanks: Day 1

Happy November 1st!! Who can believe that November is here already?!?  I can't I'm not sure where the year has gone. To me November feels like a good time to be thankful.  So for the next 30 days I'm going to try and complete a series blogging about the things I am truly grateful for.  I will do my best not to miss a day naming one item for each day of November.  Some may be silly, but other will be serious and All will be things that I am thankful I have in my life.  Who's with me?  At the end of the month we will have reminded ourselves of 30 things we are grateful for.

Day 1: Today I am thankful for cool weather.  Living in south Florida cool weather days are few and far between, but as November begins our evenings start to cool and my favorite time of year begins.  I am looking forward to cool days and even cooler nights, snuggling with my husband and getting to use my electric blanket without having to crank the a/c.  So today I am Thankful for cool weather!  What are you thankful for today?

Home away from Home

How many of you have a place that no matter how long it has been since you've visited it feels just like home when you get there?  I do.  And for me that place is Maine (technically Maine if my home.  I was born in Bangor, but I haven't lived there since I was 2).  I LOVE going to Maine!  The air is fresh, the scenery if beautiful, and the way of life is just peaceful.  I grew up spending my summers at a family home in Kennebunkport ME.  Summers were spent with cousins, Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents.  Days on the Beach or at the community center trying to play playing tennis. 

Now my parents own a home in a small town further north in Maine called Gouldsboro.  This house is one of my favorite places to go.  No internet, no cable, there is a TV (but it is only used at night for family movie time).     

Now I go to Maine in the summer when I can.   I was lucky to be able to make it this summer for about 10 days (I could have stayed for weeks months!)  I missed going last summer so I was super excited to get to go this summer.  I did miss having Chris with me since he was still in Rhode Island at OCS.  He really loves going to Maine and it made me a little sad to know how much he would have enjoyed spending that time with me.  But the silver lining was getting to spend very special time with my parents.  

We had beautiful weather, spent lots of time outside going to Schoodic Point, Bar Harbor and Cadillac Mountain and on the few days we had foggy/raining weather we went to Antique Shops.  (I have decided that going to Antique shops can be a lot of fun. If I hadn't been so far from home and about to move I probably would bought quite a few items).  

I have added just a few lot of photos from my trip.  Here is what my little time in Maine looked like.

My great-grandparents headstones and pretty sundial.   My great grandfather was born 100 years before me, pretty amazing. 
Schoodic Point: part of Acadia National Park.  We are very lucky this is wonderful and beautiful park is actually located on the same peninsula as our house. 

The hummingbirds came around daily to the flowers outside the house to feed!

Maine Lobster!!

Mom and Dad with the Lobsters

Prospect Harbor: A tiny lobster harbor, on the small beach you are able to find sea glass.

This is what happens when you get my Mom and I together!  Silly hats and Plant mustaches!!

Cadillac Mountain with a view of Bar Harbor
I miss being in Maine as soon as I left.  I can't wait until I can return (hopefully next summer).  Where is your home away from home?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I saw my husband

Well in pictures at least. =)

The OCS facebook page posts pictures of all the different classes currently in Rhode Island during different events.  I have been waiting to make sure my husband rolled back into the program on Friday August 9.  Now I have my proof!!
My husband is on the right about to jump off the platform

Treading water, I think
These pictures made my day week.  I love getting to see him.  He looks so handsome!  I am extremely proud of him and everything he is doing!  Love Him!!!

Hope everyone is having a great start to the week. =)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm an AUNT!

This is very exciting news.  This is the first baby in our family.

On August 14, 2013 at 7:48 My sister Brittany and brother-in-law Malcolm welcomed 

Malcolm Lavon Bryant Jr

He weighed 5lbs 11oz and was 18in long
He is beautiful!

Here are a few pictures from the wonderful day.
Holding MJ for the first time

Mommy and Baby 

Brittany saying hello to her son =)

The whole family

On the phone with our mom "mema" unfortunately She and my Dad are in Maine right now so they weren't able to be at the hospital. 

Daddy holding MJ for the first time

Proud Daddy

Aunt Beth, my other sister holding MJ

One more of MJ looking cute

It was a wonderful day.  I wish I had taken a picture of me holding the baby.  =(  I am so happy I was able to be there when baby Malcolm joined our family.  It was amazing to be apart of something so special and look forward to watching MJ grow!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Harvest Sign

 I am beyond ready for Fall to get here.  It is the beginning of my favorite time of the year!  Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and then Christmas.  Oh I can't wait.  I decided to get ready by crafting a little.

I created a Harvest Sign!  I love how it turned out am excited to pull out the rest of my Fall decor very shortly. 

It was pretty simple to make.  All you will need is:
-mod podge
-scrapbook paper
-wooden circles (5in)
-hot glue
- foam sheet
-foam brush

I started by painting the back side of the wooden circles orange using a foam brush.  I gave them 2 coats just to make sure they were completely covered even though no one will see the back (make sure to paint the edges those will be seen).  

 I had selected 6 different patterns of scrapbook paper to cover my wooden circles with.  I traced the wooden circles on the scrapbook paper and then cut out the circles.  Use a foam sponge to apply Mod Podge to the wooden circe before placing the scrapbook paper on top.  Once the paper is one apply another layer of Mod Podge on top of the paper.  I allowed the Mod Podge to dry for a couple of hours before I added the letters.

I printed letters out from my computer and placed them on the foam sheet I had purchased to create the letters.  I cut them out using scissors and an X-acto knife.  (If you have another way of cutting out letters I'm always open for suggestions)  I was happy enough with the way the letters turned out, but they weren't perfect but thats ok =)

The last step was to attach the ribbon that the sign is hung on.  I chose a 1 1/2 inch orange ribbon with a wire edge.  I hot glued the top of the ribbon to create a loop to hang the sign.  Then I hot glued the wooden circles to the ribbon.  Finally I added a bow around the top loop.  

And here is the completed sign!

Happy Crafting! 
Hope fall comes soon...

Let me know of any fun crafts you all are working on!

Thursday, July 11, 2013


For the past 5 1/2 weeks my Husband has been up in Newport, RI.  Out of those 5 1/2 weeks, 4 1/2 of them have been spent with Christopher in Med-Hold due to him getting sick at the end of the first week of OCS.  One of the few benefits of Chris being in Med-Hold was getting to see him over the 4th of July Holiday.   After finding out on Friday June 28th that Chris was going to remain in Med-Hold for another 3 weeks I quickly booked flights and a hotel room on the Navy base planned my trip.

I'm not sure how to express my excitement on getting to see Chris after having been away from him for over a month. (Before leaving for OCS I think the longest amount of time I had been away from Chris was about a week in the 5 years we've been together.)  We had a great time just relaxing, enjoying the amazing New England weather and spending the time together.
Finally together again!

Our room on the Base.  I was really happy with it, Looked like a dorm from the outside, but inside was really nice.
When I went to visit I didn't rent a car so Chris and I had to walk everywhere we went.  The base is close to downtown Newport so one the 4th Christopher and I decided to walk the 2 miles and enjoy the historic area and watch the fireworks over Newport Harbor (later figured out we could have stayed on the base and maybe seen the fireworks a little better, but we had fun just the same)

After walking 5-6 miles on the 4th I quickly realized I am out of shape as I woke up to my calf muscles screaming in protest of all the exercise.  We decided we would probably not be making the trip back into Newport for fear of Chris having to carry me back.  Ultimately we decided to hang around the Base and explore (being that I am new to the military life I was just as excited to be able to go to the Commissary and the Nex using my military ID)  We found a little cafe on the base to have lunch at on Friday and enjoyed yummy new england clam chowder and a nice view!

One of the ships at the base, pretty neat to see!
Since the only options for food were a few restaurants located within walking distance of the base Chris and I decided to take our chances with our grilling skills (we've never used a charcoal grill before so it was fun)

Grilling was a great success! We grilled corned, peppers, onions, mushrooms, peapods and steaks!!

Beautiful sunset =)

On my last day in Newport I was excited to wear the my new anchor shirt I bought just to wear on the trip.  

Then we were off to take a few pictures and visit the Navy War College Museum.  

Getting to spend those 3 days with Chris were wonderful.  Having to wake up at 4:00am to catch my flight home and return to a life without him for another 12 weeks was very hard.  I feel as though he has been gone forever already and I have 3x as long before I will see him again.  Most of what I think about is this is just a taste of what life will be like when he is stationed on a submarine and out on patrol.  

Hope everyone had as wonderful a 4th of July as I did and was able to spend it with those you love!