So I have seen a bunch of pins on pinterest about making a chalkboard yourself and loved the idea. So I went looking around my house and found an old mirror I wasn't using anymore and decided to make it into something I would use.
Here is the mirror before hand |
The mirror really wan't anything special, but I thought it might do the job for what I wanted.
The first thing I did was place the mirror on trash bags to make sure I didn't get paint on anything else. (in future I would probably use newspaper and not trash bags, but I didn't have newspaper at the time)
I then painted the mirror with rust-oleum chalkboard paint from Home Depot. I ended up putting 3 layers of paint on the chalkboard.
The last step was to paint the boarder of the mirror since it was also black. (I guess if your mirror had a different colored boarder you wouldn't necessarily have to paint the edge) When painting the edge I just used white high gloss paint, I wanted it to be easy to clean that's why I chose the high gloss.
Here is my finished project! I'm very excited about using my new chalkboard. It is currently ready for the 2012 Gator Football season!! Go Gators!!